Factorio: Console Commands & Cheats

Do you want to know about the Factorio commands and cheats to do everything you want in this addictive factory management game? There are thousands of ways you can vary your Factorio game with the help of in-game consoles. However, who knows if every command works or not. Therefore, we have picked the most effective ones for you.

Once you get your hands on thefactorio cheats, you would be able to modify your world to control the scattering biters. Moreover, if you are willing to increase your inventory, instant teleporting commands will enable you to do everything.

Other than that, you will also be free to enable the instant crafting of numerous items in the factory. It will also assist you in adjusting the speed of this game which seemed to be impossible before!

But now, we are here with some amazing instructions for the console. These will help you implement the most valuable and robust factorio cheats in this super compelling factory management game.

Additionally, you will also get your hands on some helpful suggestions for using the cheats, so keep sticking around with us! First, let’s see how you can open this console:

How To Open Factorio Console?

Usually, cheats and commands are not easy to access. However, the Factorio command system is not complicated enough only if you don’t delve into the Lua command system. Well, there is no way to execute the factorio console commands without opening the console. So, to get access to the Factorio console, all you have to do is:

  • Smash the forward-slash “/” while standing in-world.

If this doesn’t work, then:

  • Head to the “Menu.”
  • Navigate the cursor to “setting.”
  • Go to “control.”
  • Now, click on “Basic Interaction,” then open “Toggle chat” to check which key you should press.

To get your hands on the list of basic commands, hit “/help” in the console. After typing, you’ll get a drop-down menu with all the possible commands. Other than that, to get the cheats, type “/commands” or just enter “/c.”

You need to be careful that “/c” will disable all your previous achievements that you have made in the Factorio world. So, make sure that you agree to this condition.

General Console Commands

This general category of factorio console commandenables to expand the manual capabilities and rapidly move around.




Teleport participant Teleports the player to particular coordinates /c game.player.teleport([x].[y])
Mine Sooner Expands and contracts the manual mining speed /c game.player.force.manual_mining_speed_modifier=100
Craft Sooner Elevates or shrinks the manual crafting speed. /c game.player.force.manual_crafting_speed_modifier=100
Increase Participant Attain Raises the player’s max attaining distance. Default is 10. /c local reach=500 game.player.force.character_build_distance_bonus = reach

game.player.force.character_reach_distance_bonus = reach

Don’t forget to implement the cheat commands for increasing the participant reach regarding how nearer you have to be to interact with an object or a place.

Inventory Console Commands

With these inventory-focused factorio cheat commands, you can simply become a Master of everything connected with the inventory of the game.




Enable Cheat Mode Disable or enable factorio cheat mode. It allows instant crafting of any item. /c game.player.cheat_mode=true
Add Merchandise To Stock You can find the list of factorio infinite chestof items and add the specified ones to your store. /c game.player.insert{name=“infinity-chest”,count=100}
Increase Stock Measurement This factorio give item command raises the measurement of inventory by adding specified inventory slots. /c game.player.force.character_inventory_slots_bonus=80

Additionally, if you wantfactorio spawn items,click on your first ever infinity chest to get your hands on the UI. In that interface, you can request the factorio give item conveniently.


World Manipulation Console Commands

These factorio cheat codeswill enable you to carve your next-level experience. You would be able to alter the daytime and speed of the time to modify every landscape around you.




Enable The Map Editor One of these factorio console cheatsenables you to modify the terrain by toggling the map editor overlay. /editor
Reveal The Map Across The Participant Allows exploring chunks in a radius around the player, much like Radar does. /c local radius=1000 game.player.force.chart(game.player.surface, {{game.player.position.x-radius, game.player.position.y-radius}, {game.player.position.x+radius, game.player.position.y+radius}})
Eternal Daytime Locks the time of day to “always daytime.” To disable, replace “true” with “false.” /c game.player.surface.always_day=true
Change Game Velocity Changes the speed of the game at which the ‘game engine’ runs.

1=100%, 2=200%, 3=300% and more.

/c game.speed=2
Remove Air Pollution Eliminate all the existing pollution in the game-world. /c game.player.surface.clear_pollution()
Turn Off Air Pollution Disables or enables air pollution. To enable, replace “false” with “true.” /c game.map_settings.pollution.enabled.=false

Enemy And Evolution Console Commands

Use these factorio commands, and by using them, you are enabled to control the speed of Biters in your game world.




Enable Peaceful Mode This factorio cheat enables or disables the Peaceful mode. Biters won’t attack you until the peaceful mode is enabled. /c game.player.surface.peaceful_mode=true
Disable Biter Evolution Disables biter evolution by both pollution and time. /c game.map_settings.enemy_evolution.time_factor=0

/c game.map_settings.enemy_evolution.pollution_factor=0

Disable Biter Expansion Disables biter expansion. /c game.map_settings.enemy_expansion.enabled=false
Kill All Enemies Kills all the enemies in the explored game world. /c game.forces[“enemy”].kill_all_units()
Kill All Close-By Enemies You can kill all enemy units within a particular radius from the player by implementing this factorio cheat. /c local surface=game.player.surface

local pp = game.player.position

local cnt = 0

for key, entity in pairs(surface.find_entitles_filtered({force=“enemy”, radius=250, position=pp})) do





Set Biter Evolution Issue It sets the biter evolution factor. /c game.forces[“enemy”].evolution_factor=0

Research Console Commands

Use every factorio command mentioned below to make your research more convenient and faster. These commands also enable you to unlock all the technologies of this game world.




Research all technologies Helps research all the technologies in Factorio world. /c game.player.force.research_all_technologies()
Unlock all recipes Enables all different recipes /c for name, recipe in pairs(game.player.force.recipes)do recipe.enabled=true end
Research specific technology Enables researching the specified and particular technology /c game.player.force.technologies[‘steel-processing’].researched=true
Increase research speed Elevates the research speed /c game.player.force.laboratory_speed_modifier=2


Our Recommendation On Factorio Commands

If you are a beginner, it would be better for you to enable the peaceful mode cheat. It will help you prevent the biters’ attacks as your factory starts to grow. Also, you must know about the Factorio default values, and it would be “1” as a starter. If you don’t want to lose the game, then repeatedly enter the cheats and commands to make the value 100.

Other than that, please don’t use values less than 0.07 because it can negatively affect your game performance. Moreover, when you implement the ‘change game velocity’ cheat, make sure to be careful when hitting the high-value as your game performance can suffer constant failures.

That was all about the factorio cheats and commands. Hopefully, you will find the above factorio console commands list valuable.

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