XCOM 2: Console Commands

Originating from a 1994 game, UFO: Enemy Unknown was the building blocks necessary to create XCOM – a game known for its difficulty and strategy features. Seeing the 2012 game so well received, Firaxis created a sequel that launched in 2016 known as XCOM 2.

With tougher challenges and great DLC, this game is still being bought now well after the game has been beaten hundreds of thousands of times over. Nevertheless, it’s brutal strategy mechanics make it a welcoming challenge for gamers.

That said, maybe the game is too challenging for you, or maybe you’re not getting enough of a challenge after your fourth or fifth playthrough. It’s in these situations where console commands can be quite useful in helping players’ needs.

XCOM console commands are handy in so many ways beyond making the game easier or harder. They can be used when testing a mod, for example.

Whether you are playing this on Steam or on other consoles, this article will provide you with the XCOM 2 cheats that will be the most useful to you.

How To Open The Console in XCOM2?

Before getting access to any XCOM 2 cheats, you’ll need to first gain access to the console. The console itself is accessible after you go through the -allowconsole launch option. Through that solution, there are two options. Depending on which option you go for, though, depends on whether you’re playing the game through Steam or not.

Steam Version

For those playing the Steam version, the process is not that hard so long as you follow these steps:

  1. Open up Steam and go to Library, then right click XCOM 2 and choose Properties.
  2. Click Set Launch Options and enter -allowconsole in the box that pops up
  3. Press OK

After those steps, the console is enabled, and you can start to use various XCOM 2 War of the Chosen cheats, amongst others. Additionally, you can also add an -add-log – which will open a log window every time you launch the game – or -autodebug – which gives you debug options for the game.

Non-Steam Version

To gain access to the XCOM 2 console on non-Steam versions is simple too:

  1. You’ll need to find the location you installed the game. For most people, this is either C:Program FilesXCOM2 or C: Program Files (x86)XCOM2.
  2. Go to BinariesWin64Launcher
  3. Right click ModLauncherWPF.exe. It could also be displayed as ModLauncherWPF. Regardless, you want to create a shortcut.
  4. Right click the shortcut (not the original file) and click Properties.
  5. Add -allowconsole at the end of the text box (with a space before).
  6. Press Apply
  7. Launch XCOM 2 from that shortcut you created.

How To Use The Console Commands

Once the game is launched, you will finally have access to XCOM 2 console commands. Gaining access to it requires pressing a button. This button varies depending on your keyboard layout:

  • A tilde ( ~)
  • A single quote (‘). This works on UK keyboards too.
  • A backslash ( / ). This opens a window on screen

You can exit the console with the ESC key or pressing the key you used to open it.

Once you’ve opened the console, entering any of the xcom 2 long war 2 console commands and pressing ENTER is all you need to do. Although, some codes will require arguments to be completed.

Arguments are extra words or numbers added to xcom 2 cheats pc versions as well as non-Steam versions. For example, if you want additional resources (intel, alien alloys, etc.), you’ll need to specify a number. Also, all arguments are separated by spaces when you’re inputting them.


General Commands

For those who care more about the story and want a smoother gameplay experience, try out the following XCOM 2 console commands:

  • ForceCritHits – Every shot taken is an automatic critical hit. This applies to your units and the enemy AI too.
  • GiveActionPoints # – Replace the # with a specific number, and it adds that number of Action Points to the unit you’ve selected.
  • LevelUpBarracks # – Enter the number to level up all the Soldiers in the Barracks by that number.
  • PowerUp – Your units will not take damage, and you never have to reload your weapons.
  • RemoveFortress Doom # – Only available if you have War of the Chosen DLC enabled. Enter the number to remove that amount of blocks from the Avatar Project progress bar.
  • RestartLevel – Restart the current mission you’re on from the beginning.
  • Togglefow – Enables fog of war on missions. Enter the command again to disable.
  • ToggleSquadConcealment – Conceals your squad. Enter the command again to reveal.
  • WhoseTurnIsItAnyway – You start the mission with unlimited moves.

Tech Commands

Climbing the research tree can be tiring and could require mission grinding. If you don’t want to deal with it, try out these XCOM 2 commands. Warning though, using these commands means you skip dialogue. Furthermore, using console commands xcom 2 to skip story required tech (like performing the Elite Advent Soldier autopsy) could break the game. For your convenience, here are codes that are safe to use.

  • GiveTech AlienBiotech – Instantly research Alien Biotech.
  • GiveTech HybridMaterials – Instantly research Hybrid Materials.
  • GiveTech MagneticWeapons – Instantly research Magnetic Weapons.
  • GiveTech ModularWeapons – Instantly research Modular Weapons.
  • GiveTech Psionics – Instantly research Psionics.
  • GiveTech PlatedArmor – Instantly research Plated Armor.
  • GiveTech ResistanceCommunications – Instantly research Resistance Communications.
  • GiveTech ResistanceRadio – Instantly research Resistance Radios.
  • GiveTech Skulljack – Instantly research the Skulljack.
  • GiveTech AutopsyAndromedon – Perform the Andromedon Autopsy immediately. This follows the same structure for other aliens too. Replace Andromedon with other alien names to perform their autopsies.
  • GiveTech EXOSuit – Instantly research the E.X.O. Suit.
  • GiveTech PlasmaGrenade – Immediately research Plasma Grenades.
  • GiveTech WARSuit – Instantly research W.A.R. Suit.
  • GiveTech WraithSuit – Instantly research Wraith Suit.

Resource Commands

While XCOM 2 is also a resource management game, you can use XCOM 2 console cheats to remove that aspect entirely. Here are some of the xcom 2 ps4 cheats to give you boundless resources:

  • giveresource CorpseAdventTrooper # – Gain that number of Advent Trooper corpses. Use this structure for other aliens by replacing AdventTrooper with another alien’s name.
  • giveresource EleriumCore # – Gain that number of elerium cores.
  • giveresource EleriumDust # – Gain that number of Elerium Crystals.
  • giveresource Supplies # – Gain that number of supplies.
  • giveresource AbilityPoint # – Gain that number of ability points. Can only be used if War of the Chosen is enabled.


Item Commands

Items cost some of your precious resources to produce. If you want to skip over that and immediately have new items for your soldiers to use, here are some xcom2 console commands you can use:

  • AddItem BattleScanner # – Create that number of Battle Scanners
  • AddItem MindShield # – Create that number of Mind Shields
  • AddItem HazmatVest # – Create that number of Hazmat Vests
  • AddItem ShredderGun # – Create that number of Shredder Guns.

You can use this xcom 2 cheats xbox structure for any item that XCOM soldiers would be allowed to use. The structure is “AddItem X #”. X would be the item in question, and the # is the amount.

Weapon Commands

While you can add guns to your army with the AddItem command, they’re still at their base level. To enjoy the full satisfaction of mowing down enemies, you want to be getting these weapons modded.

Here are the xcom 2 cheat console commands to modify your weapons:

  • ReloadUpgrade # – Gain that number of Auto Loaders
  • AimUpgrade # – Gain that number of Scopes
  • ClipSizeUpgrades # – Gain that number of Extended Mags
  • CritUpgrade # – Gain that number of Laser Sights
  • FreeKillUpgrade # – Gain that number of Repeaters
  • FreeFireUpgrade # – Gain that number of Hair Triggers
  • MissDamageUpgrade # – Gain that number of Stocks

The codes above are the base foundation as XCOM 2 offers varying levels of quality mods. Changing the quality of them is easy. It’ll require an extra parameter. These parameters are:

  • For basic levels add “_bsc”. For example, ClipSizeUpgrades_bsc # will give you the specified number of Basic Extended Mags
  • For advanced levels add “_adv”. For example, CritUpgrade_adv # will give you the specified number of Advanced Laser Sights.
  • For superior levels, add “_sup”. For example, FreeKillUpgrade_sup # will give you the specified number of Superior Repeaters.

Soldier Class Commands

Letting the game dictate what class soldiers become is fine, but maybe you’ve noticed you’ve got a tonne of Specialists that you don’t really use. Fortunately, there is a xcom 2 console command to turn that soldier into whatever you want them to be,

The base code for this looks like this:

MakeSoldierAClass “[Soldier Name]” [Desired class]

This base code will turn that specific soldier into the class that you want. For example, if you have a soldier named John Doe and wish to change him, you would input one of the following codes:

  • MakeSoldierAClass “John Doe” Specialist – John Doe will become a Specialist
  • MakeSoldierAClass “John Doe” Ranger – John Doe will become a Ranger
  • MakeSoldierAClass “John Doe” Sharpshooter – John Doe will become a Sharpshooter

The quotations around the characters name are required for the xcom 2 cheats xbox one commands to work.

Note that when you use these commands, that unit will become a squaddie of that rank. Unless the unit is already a squaddie, then you’ll have to factor in the fact they’ll be at a lower level than they were before.


Scientist And Engineer Commands

Scientists and engineers are very helpful but can be difficult to get. If you’re tired of waiting, here are the xcom 2 cheats ps4 version and Steam versions:

  • GiveScientist # – Gain 1 scientist
  • GiveEngineer # – Gain 1 engineer

The reason there is a specific number mentioned this time is that these xcom2 cheats only provide 1 of that category at a time. The number value is coded to determine that engineer or scientist’s aptitude and skill value.

As far as the community knows, there isn’t a specific ceiling on these units’ skill value, nor are there any adverse side effects for placing massive values in there. Regardless, it’s best to use these codes at your own risk.

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